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Hanping Xiao - Photography with personal values and perspectives

by Yvette Depaepe
Published the 27th of May

Hanping Xiao beautifully quotes: 'My relationship with photography has evolved from a hobby into a way of life. Initially, it began as a passion project, but over time, it has seamlessly integrated into the fabric of my existence. As I explore farther into the realm of photography, I find myself viewing the world through the lens of a photographer, constantly seeking out unique perspectives and moments to capture. It has become more than just a pastime; it is an integral part of my identity.' Through this interview, he takes us along his favourite subjects and reveals some more about his personality.  Enjoy!




Dear Hanping, first I would like to thank you for taking the time to answer this questionnaire!
To begin, please introduce yourself shortly and tell us more about you, your hobbies or other projects you are involved in!

Thank you very much for this great opportunity to share my photography journey with the 1X community. My name is Hanping Xiao, also known as HP in professional and photography communities. I am an equity partner of a Chicago-based Certified Public Accounting firm, where I specialize in Partnership, Individual and International Taxation, and serve a diverse clientele spanning the globe.
Despite the stereotype surrounding accountants as lacking in creativity, I have always been drawn to artistic pursuits. From a young age, I immersed myself in classical music, playing the violin and delving into composition. While I contemplated pursuing a career in music, I ultimately chose a more “practical” path, but my passion for classical music remains undiminished, which led me to stay in the circle of artists and musicians. Currently, I serve as the treasurer and a member of the Board of Directors for Civitas Ensemble, a world-renowned chamber ensemble based in Chicago.

Additionally, I find joy in DIY projects, particularly woodworking; I find immense satisfaction in creating something, from the initial design stage to its final completion. Outside of these interests, I also enjoy fishing, cooking, travelling, and spending time with family and friends, among other things.


'Dreamy Land'



'Fallen Snow on Stellwagen Farm'


When and how did you start your photographic journey?

My photographic journey started fairly recently. In 2016, I had the serendipitous opportunity to attend a photography workshop in Chicago, featuring photographers from the famous Four Aperture Group (John Fan (johnfan), Yiming Hu (yiminghu), Jeffrey Wu (jeffreywu), and Victor Liu (victorliuphotography)). Witnessing the incredible images they captured ignited a newfound fascination within me for the art of photography. Eager to learn more, I joined several local photography associations and embarked on the journey of mastering this craft. In the Summer of 2017, I published my debut work, “A Bicyclist” on 1X. Fast forward eight years, and here we are!
Last year, I had the honour of serving as the president of the Chinese American Photography Academy, the largest photography association in our region. It has been a fulfilling journey of growth and exploration, and I am excited to continue evolving as a photographer.


'Ice Cubes'


For many of us photography is either a hobby or a way of life. How would you define your relationship with photography?

My relationship with photography has evolved from a hobby into a way of life. Initially, it began as a passion project, but over time, it has seamlessly integrated into the fabric of my existence. As I explore farther into the realm of photography, I find myself viewing the world through the lens of a photographer, constantly seeking out unique perspectives and moments to capture. It has become more than just a pastime; it is an integral part of my identity. Each photograph I take reflects how I perceive the world, and sharing these images allows me to connect with others on a deeper level. 


'Mystic Cypress Melody'


What would be the most important experience so far that has influenced your steps in photography?

Throughout my eight-year journey in photography, there have been numerous pivotal moments and experiences that have shaped my path. However, if I were to pinpoint the most significant one, it would undoubtedly be the trip I took with my mentor, Dr. John Fan (one of the head curators of 1X), to Poulose, Washington in late 2019. This experience afforded me the invaluable opportunity to witness first-hand the meticulous process of a master landscape photographer, as well as gain insights into the creation of great works of art, from inception to completion.
oreover, it was during this trip that the seeds of what would later become Raying Photography ( were planted. The close bond shared within the group of Chinese American photographers gradually transformed into a photography family. Under the guidance and mentorship of Dr. John Fan, we have continued to grow both individually and collectively, nurturing our passion for photography, and supporting each other's artistic endeavours. This has been instrumental in shaping my approach to photography and fostering a sense of belonging within a community of like-minded individuals.
In February 2023, Raying Photography held its first live photography exhibition in the famous Zhou B Art Centre in Chicago. About forty pieces of representative work from the ten members were on display for several weeks, and the exhibition drew over a thousand visitors. It was very fulfilling to engage in-person with people who understand and admire our work & artistic expressions.


'Serene Wheat Field'


You have your very own style. Why are you so drawn by landscape and wildlife photography?

I believe our personal values and perspectives shine through in our work, making each image unique. For me, the allure of landscape and wildlife photography lies in the intricate harmony of the natural world. Every scene I capture embodies a delicate balance, a rhythm, and a melody — you can almost visualize the music notes in many scenes in nature. Whether it is the solitary beauty of an old barn amidst golden wheat fields at sunset, the intense struggle between two ospreys vying for a meal, or the quiet dignity of a great horned owl perched on a snowy fence, each moment I photograph resonates deeply with me. These experiences fuel my passion for nature, compelling me to share its profound beauty with others.


'On the Fence'





What is more important to you, the mood,/story behind your images or the technical perfection?

While both elements hold importance in my photography, I would prioritize the mood and narrative behind an image. These aspects are what initially captivate a viewer and draw them into the story being told. Technical perfection certainly plays a crucial role, as it is the medium through which the mood and narrative are conveyed. What sets exceptional artwork apart from the rest is the human touch — the unique mood and narrative infused into each photograph, elements that cannot be replicated. A skilled photographer must excel as both a storyteller, and a technical expert, capable of expressing emotions through artistic composition and ensuring the quality of the final image.


'Arched Wings'



'Sunrise Over Hunts Mesa'


What generally is your relationship to your subject matter beyond being an observer? Do you prepare carefully the locations where you are intending to photograph?

To a photographer, observation is fundamental, but my relationship with the subject matter extends much further. Success in photography demands thorough research into the behaviour and patterns of the subject, ensuring that I am in the right place at the right time. Preparation is critical, often involving extensive planning before embarking on a shoot. I gather information from various sources, including online research, input from peers, and personal experience. However, given the unpredictability of weather and animal behaviour, flexibility is crucial. Adaptability allows me to seize unexpected opportunities and adjust plans accordingly.


'Affectionate Gaze'



'Fox Playing With Mouse - III'


Describe your overall photographic vision.

My overarching photographic vision centres on the essence of beauty, emotion, and significance in our surroundings. Photography, to me, transcends merely documentation; it is a profound medium for storytelling and self-expression. I strive to reveal the authenticity of life through my lens, seeking out moments that resonate with people on a universal level.
or me, photography is not just about capturing what one sees, but also about conveying what is felt. It is about searching beneath the surface to discover and reveal the soul of a subject, be it a person, a place, or a moment of life. Through my work, I aspire to spark curiosity, empathy, and appreciation, inviting viewers to engage with the world in a deeper, more meaningful way.


'Earth's Watchful Eyes'


What are the main features of a successful landscape / wildlife photographer in your opinion?

Great photographs serve as a window into a specific moment, offering viewers a glimpse into the rich realm of life. Landscape/wildlife photography is no exception, even though the subject matter is specific. Through composition, light, and subject matter, good landscape/wildlife photography strives to create images that are not only visually compelling, but also imbued with layers of meaning and depth in narrative. A great work of art evokes a sense of wonder and appreciation towards the world around us, and that is ultimately what I strive to achieve.


'Abyss of Wings'


'Moment in Early Summer'


Can you please tell us something more about your workflow from the idea to the final product?

I always capture my images in RAW format. I normally start with basic adjustments using Adobe Camera Raw (ACR), and then use several plug ins for intricate retouching and fine-tuning, such as Nik Collection, TK panel, Topaz DeNoise AI, and Topaz Sharpen AI, etc.


Where do you look to find inspiration and what inspires you the most?

Inspiration for my photography comes from a multitude of sources. The natural world, with its endless wonders and the captivating realm of wildlife, serves as a profound source of inspiration. I aspire for my work to serve as a catalyst for others to appreciate the beauty that surrounds us.
Additionally, I find inspiration in the works of my mentors and peers, as well as in various forms of art, such as music and painting. The fusion of art and science in photography resonates deeply with me, echoing the sentiment of a Chinese saying that emphasizes the significance of the creative process beyond the mere act of capturing an image. This holistic approach underscores the importance of cultivating a deep appreciation and understanding of art, which is essential for success in the field of photography.







Many are of the opinion that the gear is not very important when the passion for photography is strong. However, can you please share with us what gear you use (camera, lenses, lighting, tripod, etc.)?

Certainly! I have tailored my gear to suit different photographic pursuits. For landscape photography, I primarily use Sony Alpha 7R IV, whereas for wildlife photography, I primarily use Sony Alpha 1. My lens arsenal consists entirely of Sony glass, including Sony FE 12-24mm f/2.8 GM, Sony FE 16-35mm f/2.8 GM, Sony FE 24-70mm f/2.8 GM, Sony FE 35mm F/1.4 GM, Sony FE 100-400 f/4.5-5.6 GM OSS, Sony FE 200-600mm f/5.6-6.3 G OSS, and Sony FE 600mm f/4 GM OSS. Occasionally, I integrate the Laowa FFII 10-18mm f/4.5-5.6 C-Dreamer for unique perspectives. Additionally, I have a DJI Mavic 2 Pro drone for aerial photography.


Who are your favourite photographers or mentors whose works have influenced you and your photography?

When it comes to photographers who have had a significant impact on me, Dr. John Fan at the top of the list. Among his contemporaries, he stands out not just with his photography accomplishment, but also his deep philosophical insights about photography. His books, blogs, and photography works have taught me a lot, and I have been lucky enough to attend some of his lectures at Raying Photography.

Then Philip Chang is great at capturing those special wildlife moments. But what I really admire is how he can make you feel like you are right there in the scene with his subjects. And there is Larry Deng. His work is just full of mood and artistic flair. Looking at his photography works has really influenced how I approach my own shots.
And I cannot forget about the IX community. I love checking out all the amazing work there—it is a constant source of inspiration for me.




Now, since we have almost reached the end of this interview, I would kindly ask you to share with us your plans or photographic projects you would like to be involved in.

Absolutely. With my impending retirement soon, I envision embarking on extensive travels to various corners of the globe. As a tax professional, my schedule has been quite rigid, particularly during busy seasons, limiting my ability to explore during the prime seasons for landscape photography. However, with this newfound freedom, I aim to seize the opportunity to journey through Africa, Europe, and Asia, immersing myself in diverse landscapes and cultures.
Additionally, my wife and I have mapped out a plan to visit one or two national parks in the United States each year for the next 15 years. This endeavour will not only allow us to appreciate the natural beauty of our own country, but also provide ample opportunities for capturing stunning images. Overall, I am excited about the prospect of these upcoming adventures and the photographic treasures they hold.


'Autumn Impression'


Is there anything else you wish to add and what do you think about 1X as a home base for your work?

I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to Yvette, the 1X curators, editorial team, and the entire 1X community for their unwavering support and camaraderie throughout my artistic journey. While pursuing art may often feel solitary, communities like 1X provide a sense of belonging that is invaluable.
It may sound like a cliché, but I genuinely consider 1X to be my second family. I have gleaned immense insight and knowledge from fellow members and have been inspired by their creativity. Moving forward, I am committed to contributing to this vibrant community and continuing to grow as an artist alongside my 1X family.


'Sunset Over Manchester Farm'

Testemunho interessante. Parabéns!
Thanks Jorge!
Congratulations to my friend, very nice interview and many thanks dear Yvette!
Thanks Phillip!
I enjoyed reading this interview. Very interesting and inspiring. Beautiful works, congratulations!!
Thanks Francisco!
Beautiful works, thank you for sharing! Congratulations!
Thanks Linda!
Awesome and congrats !
Thanks Jennifer!
Congratulations! Beautiful works!
Thanks Jenny!
Amazing works! Congratulations, HP!
Thanks Yun!
Congratulations! Well deserved!
Thanks John!
Very beautiful works !
Thanks Helena!
Congratulation for your all wonderful art presents!
Thanks Yanny!
Thanks YangYing!
Beautiful collection, congratulations!
Thanks Leah!
Wonderful work! Congratulations!
Thanks Kenneth!
Impressive work and a great interview! Congratulations!
Thanks mdf!
Fantastic work! Congratulations!!!
Thanks Jian!
Amazing collection, congrats!
Thanks Louie!
Congratulations for your accomplishments, expect more to come.
Thanks Rui!
excellent images!!
Thanks Vikas!
Congrats df HP. Love your images and thanks dear Yvette for your great interview.
Thanks a lot!
Congratulations! Great works!
Thanks Jun!
Every piece of work is very exquisite. Best congratulations
Thanks mdf!
Congratulations, so many impressive pictures! Thanks Yvette for another great interview.
Thanks Louise!
I enjoyed reading this interesting interview. Dear Hanping you are very talented photographer, after 8 years you have brought your photo work to top quality, allow me to congratulate to it, and many thanks to Yvette for bringing it to us.
Thank you so much for your encouragement!